A blurb about CLAS academic skills services to copy and paste to your syllabus:
CLAS Academic Skills offers quarterly workshops and 30-minute appointments for support with fundamental study skills. Our goal is to help students study better by troubleshooting approaches to learning to find the most effective and efficient strategies for each student's unique preferences. Schedules of availability and digital skills resources can be found at clas.sa.ucsb.edu.
CLAS Academic Skills can offer custom workshops and presentations by request for individual student organizations, programs, residence halls, and classes. Virtual workshops are also available.
Before submitting a request, please note the following:
- Workshop requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance to allow our program time to make appropriate arrangements.
- The group submitting the request is responsible for reserving a space for in-person workshops.
- Workshops held during class time are limited to thirty minutes or less.