Math & Physics offers content-specific support for lower-division courses. Our services provide opportunities to ask specific questions in smaller settings, review additional subject materials, and meet other students in your classes and majors.

Services Offered

Tutorial Groups

are twice-weekly study groups that help with course concepts, problem solving, and exam prep. 

Asynch Groups

provide access to online resources, such as CLAS Canvas pages, which include additional course materials.

Drop-In Hours

are tutoring hours where you can get questions answered on a first-come first-served basis.

Algebra Boot Camp

is a Canvas page of resources designed to strengthen core math skills for lower-division STEM courses.

Drop-In Information

Studying for a specific course?  CLAS drop-in tutors support students on a first-come, first-served basis.

Math & Physics Drop-In Room: SRB 3263

Hours: Monday-Thursday 12-10 P.M., Friday 12-5 P.M.



  • MATH 2AB
  • MATH 3AB
  • MATH 4AB
  • MATH 6AB
  • MATH 34AB


  • PHYS 5

Additional courses

Additional courses are subjects that are supported by some tutor drop-in hours in the Study Rooms. 

  • ASTRO 1
  • CS 8
  • CS 16
  • CS 40
  • ENGR 3
  • ECE 10ABC
  • ME 6

Don't see your course?

Academic Skills Suggest a course

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