A blurb about CLAS Writing services to copy and paste to your syllabus:

CLAS Writing & Languages offers tutor drop-in hours and 30-minute appointments for support with any writing at any stage of the writing process (including getting started!). Use our Writing & Language Lab (SRB 3231) to work on writing assignments surrounded by your peers and CLAS tutors! Schedules of availability and digital writing resources can be found at clas.ucsb.edu.


A blurb about CLAS Language services to copy and paste to your syllabus:

CLAS Writing & Languages offers tutor drop-in hours for support with language acquisition course series for several different languages. Use our Writing & Language Lab (SRB 3231) to work on assignments surrounded by your peers and CLAS tutors! Schedules of availability can be found at clas.ucsb.edu.


CLAS can arrange for a staff member to visit your class or training session to provide information about CLAS writing services to undergraduate students. We can customize the presentation to be specific to a particular assignment or a particular writing topic, or we can provide general information about services available.

Please submit presentation requests at least one week ahead of your desired presentation date.